

The REST API allows you to do two things:

  1. Handle resources
  2. Execute operations

A resource can be a piece of configuration, a user, a dashboard, an alert, and so on.

Here is a list of conventions used by the REST API for resources:

  1. List of resources: The URL uses the plural name for the resource, e.g:

     GET /api/alerts
         "alerts": [ ... ]
  2. Creation of a resource: The URL uses the plural name and the request envelop uses the singular name, e.g.:

    POST /api/alerts
        "alert": { ... }
  3. Get one resource: The URL uses the plural name, and the response envelop uses the singular name, e.g.:

     GET /api/alerts/123
         "alert": { ... }


The request should set the HTTP header

Accept: application/json

while every response is returned with the HTTP header

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

In order to reduce the size of the request and mainly the response, you can set the header

Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, sdch

to compress HTTP body and response.

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    No results matching ""