
Note: in order to use this API you must obtain a Sysdig Cloud token. You can get your user's token in the Sysdig Cloud API section of the settings page.

The library exports a single class, SdcClient, that is used to connect to Sysdig Cloud and execute actions. It can be instantiated like this:

from sdcclient import SdcClient

sdc_token = "MY_API_TOKEN"

# Instantiate the SDC client
sdclient = SdcClient(sdc_token)

Once instantiated, all the methods documented below can be called on the object.

Return Values

Every method in the SdcClient class returns a list with two entries. The first one is a boolean value indicating if the call was successful. The second entry depends on the result:

  • If the call was successful, it's a dictionary reflecting the json returned by the underlying REST call
  • If the call failed, it's a string describing the error

For an example on how to parse this output, take a look at a simple example like

results matching ""

    No results matching ""